
William is 3 years, older than Charmine. The sum of 3 times Charmaine's age and 2 times William's age is 76. How old are William and Charmaine? Show your work

Accepted Solution

William is 17 years old and Charmaine is 14 years old.Step-by-step explanation:Let x be the age of William and y be the age of CharmaineThenWilliam is 3 years, older than Charmine.x = y+3    Eqn 1The sum of 3 times Charmaine's age and 2 times William's age is 76.2x+3y = 76     Eqn 2Putting x = y+3 in Eqn 2[tex]2(y+3)+3y=76\\2y+6+3y=76\\5y+6=76\\Subtracting\ 6\ from\ both\ sides\\5y+6-6=76-6\\5y=70\\Dividing\ both\ sides\ by\ 5\\\frac{5y}{5} = \frac{70}{5}\\y=14\\Putting\ the\ value\ of\ y\ in\ Eqn\ 1\\x=y+3\\x=14+3\\x=17[/tex]Hence,William is 17 years old and Charmaine is 14 years old.Keywords: Linear equations, VariablesLearn more about linear equations at:brainly.com/question/899976brainly.com/question/884169#LearnwithBrainly